Settling for failure
When did we sacrifice our courage and intelligence, and become complacent in our ignorance ? When did we make decisions based on fear instead of fact? And when did we make everything outside of politics a political debate? Saying you were an American, from the land of the free and home of the brave, used to actually mean something and could inspire not just United States citizens, but everyone world wide. It gave us something to strive for, to live up to, and to earn. Now it's just a mindless saying people use out of habit, like a catchy jingle.
Strive for greatness
You can do better America. You owe it to yourselves. Quit getting your opinions from the "news" and from Facebook. Get the facts, and form your own opinion. Learn, not because you're forced to, but because it will lead to a better tomorrow. And be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good. We've gotten off track, all of us, myself included... but we can make this the greatest country on the planet once again.