Pitchers and catchers report! I think my sports interests have now come full circle. While I still cheer for all 3 Pittsburgh teams, there is always 1 sport that shines above the rest.
In grade school it was baseball. I was constantly looking forward to going to games with my family, and my extended family. My grandmother loved the game and would choose one game during the season where all here kids and grandkids would attend. I learned to keep book, and would even fill out a scoresheet while watching it on tv. Playing little league (until I was old enough to realize I had no athletic ability and quit) only fueled my passion for the sport.

Starting in High School. I moved my focus from America's Past-time to America's Passion, football. Weekly get-togethers to watch Monday Night Football, as well as entering and running different fantasy football leagues caused my love of baseball to take a backseat. While I still attended baseball games regularly, I lost the passion for the sport and the intimate knowledge of my beloved Pirates I had once had. That knowledge was now taken up by stats of not only the Steelers, but of players around the league. ESPN, and the emergence of the Super Bowl as the United State's premier sporting event gave fuel to the fire.

As time went on, starting in my late college years, my sports attention was primarily put onto hockey. The skill, the speed, and the competition during the playoffs that is unrivaled in any other professional sport, all gave me reason to leave the other teams in the background and push the Penguins to the forefront of my attention. This too however, would not last forever.
Now I have noticed my attention slowly drifting away from hockey, and back to the one that started it all. Perhaps it is that now my kids are old enough to enjoy sports with me, and this seems to be the only one that holds their attention. We were even able to attend a game last year, and hop to attend more in the years to come. So it seems that this cycle of sports has begun anew, and only time will tell if it will continue as it had before...
Your blogs and accumulation attracts me to arrive rearward again n again. Trusox