Accepting the Liebster Award

          The Liebster Award is given by bloggers to bloggers that have less than 200 subscribers. It's a way to recognize the hard work and effort of new bloggers, or perhaps those that could use some help reaching a bigger audience. I believe I would fall into the latter category there, as I have been blogging for over 3 years now and could hardly consider myself new; even though i am in many ways still a novice. Regardless, I am still honored and humbled to be awarded this, and hope that I can keep up the standard that my small audience has grown accustomed to.

The Rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog in your post
  2. Copy and Paste your Liebster Award into your post.
  3. nominate 10 more bloggers that have 200 Followers or less
  4. Answer the 10 questions that were asked of you and create 10 questions for the bloggers you are nominating.
  5. Nominate bloggers by leaving them a comment on one of their posts!

Thank you

Thank you to the blogger that nominated me for this award, the self-proclaimed "One Fat Chick" of One Fat Chick on a Mission, a blog about motherhood, wifehood, cooking, fitness, and more.


  1. Dinner Plan-It
  2. Steel City Intrigue
  3. After the Bridge
  4. Community Matters
  5. Burgh Blog Comics and Commentary
  6. Your Critter Sitters
  7. Positive Epilepsy
  8. Monica Bruno
  9. Mom School Dropout
  10. Retiring in 20s
If any of these have more than 200 followers sorry, I'm just to lazy to do my research and find out if they actually qualify.

Questions for me

Why did you get into blogging? At the time I was taking a hiatus from Facebook. I was looking for a way to give my unique opinions on different topics, but found that I was often misquoted or misinterpreted using Twitter or other shorter posting methods. I started the blog so I could take the time to explain myself, my views, and my train of thought.

Why did you choose the name for your blog? I tend to ramble, my nickname is Boo, and I found the phrase "insane and insane" funny and fitting. Even though I like having extremely long titles (something I found funny) I realized those made it hard to attract new readers unfamiliar with my sense of humor, so I then shortened the original title "The insane and inane ramblings of the man dubbed Booferson J McGrugen" to "Boo's Insane and Inane Ramblings...".

What inspires you most? It's hard to say, as it changes often. I go through spurts, as evidence in my past posts, of writing about technology, politics, pop culture, entertainment, or whatever. Even stuff I'm always doing, following tech news, watching tv and movies, I find it hard at times to write consistently about the same topic.

What do you blog about? Whatever inspires me to write a post at that moment.

What has been the craziest thing about blogging? Trying to find an audience. The fact my blog changes topics randomly makes that even harder.

What is your goal for you blog in the next year? To try and find some level of consistency.

What has been your favorite blog post? In all honesty, I enjoy writing the ones that are more personal. Be it about a certain aspect of my personality, or a story of some of my experiences, a good soul cleansing helps every now and then.

Who do you write for? I write for me, and hope that what I write finds an audience out there of people who either understand where I'm coming from, and either agree with me or at least sympathize with my point of view.

How have you grown as a blogger? As in all things in life, stagnation is death. Growth and change is constantly ongoing as an unending process of evolution. And I've changed the design and layout of my blog at least twice, and will continue making upgrades until I find something that feels unique and fitting.

What are three pieces of advice you would give to someone starting out? Have more than 3 topics in mind before you start, even if you only plan on blogging about once a month. I still hit lulls when I have nothing to write about and just let my blog sit, losing the interest of what little followers I have. Do some research first, see if other blogs exist with similar interests or topics and ask what you want to do to set you apart. Make time. Besides writing posts, good blogs have Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and other outlets not just for announcing new posts, but that have constant engaging updates.

Questions for my nomintations

  1. In 10 words or less, what's your blog about?
  2. Which post of yours are you most proud of?
  3. What made you decide to start blogging?
  4. What demographics do you envision your audience to be?
  5. What writers, characters, shows, films, etc. inspire your writing style?
  6. Who do you envision as your target audience?
  7. Is your blog exactly as it envisioned when you started, and if not how and why has it changed?
  8. Do you do any research for your posts, or do you write from what you know?
  9. Ever been hit with a bought of writer's block? If so, what's your go-to to break it?
  10. When it comes to blogging compared to your life outside the internet, does life imitate art, art imitate life, or some of each?
Well, I'm off to let my choices know they've been nominated. If you've been overlooked, don't qualify, or just want to have some fun, feel free to answer any or all of the above questions in the comments section below.

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  1. Thank you for the nomination. As I mentioned via my blog, this is my 2nd nomination.

  2. Congrats on your liebster award! :)

  3. Congrats! Getting a Liebster is so exciting! I loved reading all of your questions! Thanks so much for linking up with us at Welcome Home Wednesdays... can't wait to see what you link up with us this week! See you at the party tomorrow!

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